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Recent Thoughts: Surprise On My Big Day
Thursday 8 January 2015 | 01:09 | 0 comments

Time to do a short update on my recent thoughts.
HTB mentioned many times he actually like my singing. I can't say I sing really well but I really do love singing. This hobby of mine was brought out by my mum who also loved singing before she got a stroke. So occasionally, Teo Heng and $10 KTV has been a hangout place for me and also some of my friends who shares the same hobby as me.

Yesterday night when I was thinking about our wedding day itinerary, I actually thought of singing to HTB during our wedding banquet during one of my march in.

credits to google

I have never attended a wedding whereby the bride sings to the groom during march in hence I totally cannot visualize how it gonna take place during the wedding. I started off by asking some fellows BTBs in a secret facebook group for advices when should it take place and some of them gave advices. One of them recommended during the 2nd march in as I will be solemnising after my 1st march in and solemniser won't be waiting for me. So set, 2nd march in that's it!

Next the question is, what song should I sing?

I browsed through YouTube and couldn't find an appropriate English song. After a while I thought to myself, why must it be in English? Even though most of our guests are bilingual, but MOST of them understands chinese and the old folks don't understand English so why not find a chinese song? And I chanced upon this video:

Really nice and sweet lah! Of course the bride has a pretty face and voice to start with but I don't. 
So I decided to start honing my voice (When I know my face can't be hone unless I strike a lottery maybe and go get plastic surgery? LOL)

I immediately whatsapp HTB to bring me to Katong Teo Heng after work today telling him I suddenly want to sing so badly and ask him to fetch me there and fetch me back after he end work.


Booked a room at 6pm later. Gonna sing my lungs out. 
